Eye-Connect: Patient-Focused Management of Diabetic Care and Vision Screening and Referral for Diabetic Retinopathy - Final Assessment

Launch Date:
October 17, 2022
Identify collaborative strategies that can be used to enhance the multidisciplinary care of patients with or at risk for DR/DME to foster earlier recognition, treatment, and long-term management of DR/DME across the continuum
Recognize key factors for patient education that are needed to catalyze uptake of recommended eye care in patients with diabetes
Devise care plans for patients with diabetes that incorporate eye care screening in alignment with current guideline recommendations
Describe the natural history of DR/DME, with an emphasis on its progressive nature, which underscores the need for earlier diagnosis and treatment to prevent the development of vision-threatening complications
Summarize new data that demonstrate the importance of early and proactive DR diagnosis and treatment, to provide the rationale for earlier referral
Recognize early signs of DR/DME that warrant referral, based on accurate interpretation of examination and tests, including novel imaging devices